Holiday Album divider page
So back to the Holiday Album I showed you a few posts back. I painted one of the Simple Stories album page dividers white. Then using white flocking material I created a snowbank along the bottom. I painted some decorative wood trees green and used Liquid Pearls to decorate them. I used yellow glitter glue for the top fo the tree. For the background above the "snowbank" I used silver glitter paint in an attempt to make it look like it was snowing. It looks better in person than in the photo. I had the red glitter snowflakes and added those to the "sky".
A closer look at the snowbank.
It didn't turn out quite as I envisioned it but I am happy with it overall and learned a few things along the way. Now I need to figure out what I am doing with the back of this divider page!
It turned out lovely Lynn. I like the variety of materials & the texture it all creates together!